How do you get your datasets featured in Google Search?

IF you're thinking about how to get your datasets featured in Google Search:

 It can significantly increase visibility and access to your data. Here's a breakdown of how to create and optimize datasets for Google's "Datasets" feature:

1. Create High-Quality Datasets:

2. Optimize for Search:

3. Make Your Data Findable:

Example of Markup:

Code snippet


  "@context": "",

  "@type": "Dataset",

  "name": "AI Market in the UAE",

  "description": "Statistics and trends on the artificial intelligence market in the United Arab Emirates.",

  "keywords": "AI, UAE, artificial intelligence, market size, growth",

  "license": "",

  "distribution": [


      "@type": "DataDownload",

      "contentUrl": "",

      "encodingFormat": "csv"




Use code with caution.

By following these steps, you increase the likelihood of your datasets being featured in Google Search results, making them more accessible and useful to researchers, analysts, and other users.